100 VERSIÓ 2.0
Studies to examine the viability of dividing a Family House into five apartments with common spaces and services.
The main goal of the research and proposal is to demonstrate the feasibility of the project to ensure a new long life to the owners.
The Barcelona City-Port interface is under continue transformation. The limit between the urban port and the industrial logistic area is under movement and is being continually displaced south, opposite to urban positions, in search for areas where to minimize conflict between urban and port activities. At the same time, physically constrained the city of Barcelona is in search for space to provide houses to new comers.
This proposal link port and urban interest through the creation of a continue slab that facilities logistic activities under while permits urban activities above, provide space to enlarge today’s straitjacketed transport infrastructures and solve the link between the city and the bigger park in town, Montjuïc.
1000 Versió 2.0
Location: Riudecanyes
Surface: 7500 m2
Year: 2015
Collaborators: Sònia Lamesa,
Teresa Milián & Carla Lladó
Location: Port of Barcelona, Spain
Year: 2011
Architects: Carlota Casanova, Daniel Lorenzo
Mamen Domingo, Ernest Ferrè,

Location: Unitat Predepartamental d’Arquitectura,
ETSA Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Year: 2014
Professors: J. M. Toldrà; J. Farreny; D. Lorenzo; F. Cifuentes; R. Miralles
Salou, which is one of the many highly specialized tourist resorts located on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, lies 100 km south of Barcelona. Within its narrow boundaries of 1,481 ha, Salou hosts 7.4 million overnight stays per year and is home to 52 hotels.
A ratio which ranks Salou amongst the tenth most visited municipalities in Spain [1].
Distance from Salou’s historical town centre, the area of Carles Buigas Avenue (CB) emerges as being the heart of the municipality’s tourism and leisure industry. Salou developed, as did so many other Spanish coastal touristic locations, during the sixties and seventies as a consequence of the increasing demand for sun and beach destinations amongst the European and Spanish middle classes.
Unfortunately, the “ageing” of this built-up area clamours for close attention today. The visible physical degradation of the property is becoming a cause for concern and preoccupation amongst the main property owners and investors: public administration, hotel managers, shopkeepers and neighbours.
Hotels emerge as the key problem within the set physical boundaries of this study. They occupy approximately 50% of the total land surface, 28 out of a total of 52 hotels within the town being concentrated in that area. This accumulation of hotels also breaks from the particularity of the predominance of second residences which is so customary along the Spanish Coast.
This paper delves into the data and proposals obtained from analyzing the public space of the CB area. Similarly, as a consequence of the previous analysis, a set of proposals for intervention are also presented. The proposals are conceived to be developed within different time scales, in response to political and social willingness and economic capacity.
The aim of the work is to induce an urban and tourism paradigm shift in the area, thus facilitating the emergence of a new tourism model. Solutions are urgently needed to provide specific answers to a particular scenario, which has similitudes to those of other Mediterranean Coastal Developments specialized in tourism activities, which too, after being operative for more than forty years, are suffering from deterioration or abandonment.
Despite it still being an open process, the study understands that due to the complexity of the committed task and the scale of the area, the goal will require the active commitment and collaboration of property owners (administration, hotel managers, investors and neighbours).
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in International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
Location: Salou, Spain
Year: 2017
Authors: N. Salvado, I. De Rivera , D. Lorenzo